A material or substance having one or more characteristic values that are sufficiently uniform and well determined to be used for calibrating equipment, evalua...
More +Reference substances can be classified according to the properties to which they are valued. According to the provisions of the Measures for the management o...
More +What is the reference material? How is the national standard material defined? Can't distinguish standard material, standard product and reference product? W...
More +In order to ensure that the analytical test results have a certain degree of accuracy, and have comparability and consistency, it is often necessary to calibra...
More +What is the difference between standard titrations and standard solutions? The following is a small edition of Bolinda ® to introduce you.
More +Since the beginning of this year, China's electronic information industry has maintained a steady development trend in a complex external environment, the gro...
More +博林达诚邀您参加2018国际线路板及电子组装华南展览会,展会上博林达将展示全系列无机标准溶液和全系列有机标准溶液,为您提供标准溶液一体化解决方案,使您的采购工作变得...
More +For a long time, Shenzhen has been an important gathering area of the domestic integrated circuit industry, and has long been in the leading position of the d...
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