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Attention should be paid to the problems in the use of thermal analysis standard substances

2020-04-02 11:06:18

Thermal analysis is a set of techniques to characterize the relationship between physical and chemical properties of materials and temperature or time. It has a wide range of applications in qualitative and quantitative characterization of thermal properties, physical properties, mechanical properties and stability of materials. The following is a small edition of Bolinda to share with you the problems that should be paid attention to in the use of thermal analysis standard substances.

Problems that should be noted during the use of thermal analysis standard substances:

1, for the certified standard material, as long as it is stored in accordance with the conditions and methods specified in the standard material certificate, and used within the validity period, the quantity value is guaranteed, and the verification of this kind of thermal analysis standard material should be simplified to check the integrity of the packaging, label and certificate, validity period, storage conditions, etc.; If it is a certified reference material that can be used multiple times after opening.

In addition to the above verification, the laboratory shall formulate corresponding documents to regulate its subsequent use and management, regularly check its use, and conduct quantitative verification by comparing with another unopened unit or batch of standard substances when necessary.

2, for thermal analysis of standard substances or laboratory calibration solutions prepared by certified standard substances, due to the lack of sufficient uniformity and stability data, strict quantitative control is very necessary, the way can be flexibly grasped depending on the economic and technical conditions of the laboratory.

For example, the quality control chart is used to check the trend, and the accuracy of the quantity value is verified by comparing the quantity value of the next batch of standard substances or comparing between laboratories. In addition, the frequency of verification should be formulated according to the characteristics of the standard material, and the standard material with good stability expectation can relatively relax the verification interval.

The above content is the introduction of the problems that should be paid attention to during the use of thermal analysis standard substances, thermal analysis standard substances can be reused, if found to be contaminated after use should be placed in a clean heating furnace, heating at 1000C for more than 2 hours, cooling after use, with clean stainless steel must take samples, after use, the bottle cap tightly, strictly prevent contamination.
