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What are the characteristics of the reference material? What is it used for?

2019-05-17 17:07:42

The so-called reference material refers to the measurement standard with accurate quantity value, which is widely used in many fields, such as chemical measurement, biological measurement, physical measurement and engineering measurement. It is a standard substance that uses the benchmark method to determine the quantity value and has the highest measurement quality. So what are the characteristics of the reference material? What is it used for? Next, Bolinda Xiaobian will introduce you.

Characteristics of standard material:

1, the matrix composition of the standard material and the composition of the measured sample as close as possible, so as to eliminate the systematic error introduced by the matrix effect of the method;

2, the accuracy of the standard material should be 3 to 10 times higher than the expected accuracy of the measured sample;

3, the precision of the analysis method is a function of the concentration of the sample to be measured, so it is necessary to select the appropriate concentration level of the standard material;

4. The sampling amount shall not be less than the minimum sampling amount specified in the standard material certificate.

Use of standard material:

1. Evaluate the accuracy and precision of monitoring and analysis methods, study and verify standard methods, and develop new monitoring methods;

2. Calibrate and calibrate monitoring and analysis instruments, and develop new monitoring technologies;

3, used in collaborative experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of laboratory management and the technical level of monitoring personnel, so as to strengthen the laboratory's ability to provide accurate and reliable data;

4. Use standard substances as working standards and monitoring standards;

5, through the accuracy of the standard material transmission system and traceability system, can achieve the international peer, domestic peer and laboratory data comparability and time consistency;

6, as the relative truth value, the standard material can be used as the technical arbitration basis for environmental monitoring;

7, with the primary standard material as the true value, control the preparation and setting of the secondary standard material and quality control sample, which can also provide a guarantee for the development and production of new types of standard material.

The above content is the introduction of the characteristics and uses of the standard material, the national standard material is also a part of the national standard, the use of these standard substances is strict national standards and international standards, so each standard material will have its corresponding standard material certificate. You can check the certificate and use it correctly to ensure the accuracy of the measurement.
