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What elements should be considered in the selection of standard materials?

2019-09-04 16:30:34

The standard material is the basic part and core of the technical foundation, and also an important guarantee for the quality of the analysis and measurement results. With the development of science and technology, the quality, reliability and effectiveness of the analysis and measurement results will be more significantly dependent on the standard material. So what elements should be considered when purchasing standard materials? Below, Bolinda Xiaobian to take you to understand.

Elements that should be considered when purchasing standard substances:

1. Characteristic quantity level:

The characteristic quantity level of the reference material should match the level of the daily measured sample.

2, the type of characteristic quantity and value method:

Some standard substances may only be applicable to a specific method or exclusive field of application, and some standard substances have special values, such as the value of crystal water, should be noted in the certificate to prevent misselection and misuse.

3. Matrix and possible interference:

When the reference material is used for method validation, quality control and calibration of some measurement methods with more serious matrix effects, the matrix should be as close as possible to the daily measurement sample matrix.

4. Acceptable level of uncertainty:

The level of uncertainty associated with the characteristic quantity of the reference material should match the precision and accuracy limits required in daily measurements.

5. Form:

The standard material can be prepared into different forms, such as freeze-dried and frozen samples, the different preparation methods may lead to the same characteristics in the standard material and the real sample behavior differences, resulting in interchangeability problems, should be fully investigated before purchase.

6. Dosage:

The amount of reference material purchased shall be sufficient to meet the application of the entire experimental plan, including preparation samples considered as necessary.

7. Minimum sampling amount:

As long as a small sample size is specified in the standard material certificate, the sample size used for measurement should not be less than the small sample size, so the purchase should consider whether the small sample size can meet the requirements of the measurement method.

8. Stability:

Before purchasing, the validity period of the purchased batch of standard substances should be confirmed to avoid expiration when using. For the purchased standard substances, after receipt of the certificate should first confirm that the transport conditions of the standard substances meet the requirements, and then check whether the variety, quantity, etc., are consistent with the purchase requirements; Whether the packaging and appearance are normal, and whether the logo is clear and complete; Whether there is a certificate, whether it is within the validity period of the certificate declaration.

The above content is the introduction of what elements should be considered in the purchase of reference materials, most candidates have to go through a certain processing to prepare certified reference materials, processing can include drying, extrusion, crushing, grinding, screening, mixing, mixing, etc. The type of packaging container used for the certified reference material should also be carefully selected, so as to maintain the long-term stability of the certified reference material and its standard value.
