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Application of standard materials for environmental testing

2019-10-30 15:48:03

Environmental testing reference material is also known as environmental standard reference material. A reference substance similar in composition and properties to the environmental substance being measured. As the current instrumental analysis method is only a relative measurement method, the standard reference material should be used to correct the instrumental analysis to exclude the drying and influence caused by the amount of the measured component and the measurement signal, so as to obtain a more accurate measurement value. The following Xiaobian will introduce the application of environmental testing standard substances.

Application of environmental testing standard substances:

1. Application in evaluating and validating new methods of environmental monitoring

At present, standard samples are widely used in the world to evaluate the accuracy and precision of new technologies and new methods, because this evaluation method is more convenient and reliable. In order to develop or revise an analytical method, one or more samples with good characteristics are needed to evaluate the performance characteristics of the method. At this time, it is obviously the most appropriate to select the appropriate environmental test reference material.

2. Application in testing and analysis laboratory quality management

Environmental testing reference material is a powerful tool for environmental testing and analysis laboratory to carry out quality management. The standard sample is selected as the control chart, and the laboratory measurement system can be periodically checked to determine the accuracy and precision of the measurement. The control limit of the control chart can be determined according to the uncertainty provided by the standard sample and the actual testing capacity of the laboratory.

In daily monitoring activities, the environmental testing reference material and the unknown sample are measured under the same conditions. If the measurement result of the environmental testing reference material falls outside the control limit, it indicates that the measurement system is out of control. At this time, the measurement result of the unknown sample should be invalid, and the laboratory should immediately find out the cause, take measures to correct it, and re-measure the standard sample. The unknown sample can be re-determined until the determination value of the environmental test reference material falls within the control limit. In short, it is a practical method to ensure the quality of laboratory test data to determine the appropriate amount of environmental test reference substances in the process of detection and analysis.

3. Application in laboratory capability verification

Through the detection of environmental testing standard substances, both the personal ability of the monitoring and analysis personnel can be verified, and the testing ability of the laboratory can be verified. The former is such as certification assessment, the latter is such as laboratory quality control assessment. The ability verification of environmental testing standard substances has been widely used in laboratory accreditation, metrological certification and related supervision and review.

4. Application in instrument calibration and testing

Since most modern instrumental analysis methods are based on the analytical principle of relative measurement, it is generally necessary to calibrate using environmental test reference substances. Although the laboratory can also use high-purity reagents to prepare the standard series, it is more convenient to use the environmental testing standard material. For the environmental samples with relatively complex analysis matrix, the selection of environmental standard samples with roughly the same composition as the sample can effectively eliminate the matrix effect and significantly improve the measurement accuracy. At the same time, the analytical characteristics of measuring instruments such as linearity, reproducibility, stability and so on have also become a consensus.

5. Application in the establishment of environmental monitoring system quantity traceability

Once the characteristic value of the standard material for environmental testing is determined, it is stored in the standard sample, and is not limited by time and space within a certain range, and can be used as a reference for mutual comparison and transmission. By using the national standard samples that have been established for traceability to carry out inter-laboratory quantification and quantification comparison, it will effectively improve the comparability of inter-laboratory detection and analysis data. National environmental standard sample is the basic tool of quantity transfer and quantity traceability in China's environmental monitoring system.

6. Application in arbitration analysis of environmental pollution monitoring

In the actual environmental monitoring work, serious inconsistency between the monitoring results of different laboratories often occurs, which often occurs between pollution emitters and polluters, or between environmental law enforcement departments and pollution emission enterprises, and sometimes between environmental monitoring and analysis laboratories representing different administrative regions. If the disputed environmental sample is analyzed at the same time, the environmental standard sample with similar matrix is tested, and the analytical data of the disputed environmental testing standard material is determined according to the analysis results of the standard sample, the dispute can be more easily resolved, because the quantity value of the environmental testing standard material is fully identified and unquestioned.

The above content is the introduction of the application of environmental testing standard substances, Bolinda, the national standard material network,20 years of focus on standard material research and development and production, supply of standard substances, standard products, standard solutions, reference products, standard samples, titration standard liquid, single standard, mixed standard customized services
